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Sustainable Transportation Policy

Our company is committed to sustainable transportation.

We recognize that safe and sustainable transportation contributes to the overall experience of our clients and the impact of their journey to our country. Our company therefore endeavors to encourage our clients to consider the most sustainable transport available for their travel route. We encourage our suppliers to work with us and to improve continuously with respect to the Policy.

Wherever possible, all staff will pursue the following goals and adhere to the specified principles when purchasing products, material and services.


This policy will be part of the Sustainability Policy. The policy is applicable to the transportation activities conducted by our company and our suppliers.

This policy is effective immediately after approval by Chief Executive Office and circulation to staff. The policy will be formally reviewed every 2 years to ensure its relevancy. The Managing Director or an officer delegated with such authority must approve any deviations to this policy.

Sustainable Transportation Principles

Our sustainable transportation policy has the following core principles:

1. Efficient and safe

Considering comfort, efficiency and pricing our company gives preference to mass transportation/public transportation over private/single transportation. At the same time, we prefer the safest and most comfortable option (e.g. tourist bus companies over local bus companies).

2. Fair mobility

All vehicles should comply with the rules and regulations imposed by the government of India. Vehicles are regularly and properly maintained and drivers are well taken care of under good labor conditions (minimum wage, reasonable working times, proper breaks, etc.).

3. Minimizes effect on the environment and society

The transportation supplier places high priority on sustainable practices, aiming at minimizing its effect on the surrounding environment and society.

General Sustainability Considerations

The following considerations should be made in the operation of each of these specific transportation services:

Public busses

  • When selecting public busses, we give preference to tourist busses over general busses, as these follow stricter safety rules.
  • Where possible, our company will participate in any advisory forum for the enhancement of the public bus system.

Own Vehicles

  • Where private transportation is requested by the client, we utilize our newest and most energy friendly cars.
  • All vehicles should hold the green sticker.
  • First aid kit and waste collection bag on board.
  • The right vehicle for the group size.

Vehicles from Third Party

  • All vehicles should hold the green sticker.
  • Vehicles should be regularly and properly maintained.
  • First aid kit and waste collection bag on board.
  • We will request the right vehicle for the group size.


  • They are well informed about our sustainable transportation guidelines (with emphasis on “clean and safe”) and understand and follow our Code of Conduct for Drivers.
  • Should be physically and mentally fit to ensure safe driving.
  • Are well informed on health and safety regulations and traffic rules.
  • Have quality driving and communication skills.


  • Because of the bad condition of the roads and long time that overland journeys take, we sometimes use flights for longer distances within the country, as it saves a lot of time.

Code of Conduct for Drivers

All drivers who operate for MPM TRAVEL XS PVT LTD understand and follow these codes of conduct.

Safe driving

  • Check your vehicle prior to the journey to ensure that your vehicle is within safe operating conditions. Checks should include
    o Proper inflation of tyres;
    o Clean windows;
    o Mirrors properly adjusted;
    o Brakes, lights, windscreen wipers, and wash jets are in working order.
  • Drive within the speed limit at all times. You should drive at speeds that are safe for the conditions, recognising that, in some circumstances (such as before and in curves, on damaged or unpaved top layer, in rain or fog) this may be well below the posted speed limit.
  • Wear a seat belt at all times, and ensure passengers do the same.
  • Look as far ahead as possible and anticipate what other traffic is going to do. Avoid unnecessary braking and fast acceleration.
  • Drive courteously by letting other vehicles merge and pass where appropriate. Be patient with other drivers’ mistakes and misbehaviour. Also, be extra careful around pedestrians and cyclists, allowing them sufficient space and time to move about.
  • When you know you will have to stop soon, release the accelerator, and roll out in free gear.
  • Never drive under the influence of alcohol, medications or other drugs that are likely to affect your alertness or driving performance. Do not drive if you are unfit to do so.
  • Plan realistic driving schedule and stop for appropriate breaks.
  • Mobile phones will not be answered while driving, unless hands-fee option is available.
  • When leaving the vehicle, properly lock it and ensure that any personal belongings of our guests are kept safe.

Energy efficiency

  • Switch to a higher gear quickly (when you drive 80 km/h, you should drive in 5th gear | when driving 50 km/h, in 4th gear)
  • Drive as much as possible at a uniform speed at a high gear. This decreases fuel consumption considerably.
  • Turn on the engine just before leaving only. If you want to cool the vehicle for the passengers, turn on the engine only five minutes before the guests arrive.
  • Switch off the engine when you have to wait. (Already for a stop of 20 seconds, it makes sense to switch off the engine.)
  • When guests are on an excursion, switch off air conditioning and engine. Let the tour guide call you when they are about to return, and turn back on the engine only five minutes before the guests arrive.

Sustainable management

  • Keep your vehicle clean and suitable for our clients at all times. This includes keeping your vehicle smoke-free.
  • Be punctual and dress appropriately.
  • Where necessary assist passengers into and out of the vehicle.
  • Ensure there is a waste bag/bin on board of the vehicle and point this out to clients prior to departure. Empty this waste regularly, at least once a day.
  • Listen carefully to specific requests from the clients and adjust your driving style


  • Limit the use of the vehicle’s horn to only the necessary situations.
  • Take whatever additional action is necessary to avoid disturbance to residents of the neighbourhoods you pass through.
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