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Travelife Engaged

  • “We are engaged with the Travelife certification program and are in the process of working step by step towards complying with its international sustainability standards.”
  • “Travel XS was Travelife Partner from 1. November 2019 till 1. November 2021, and is now working towards Certified level”


Main results of the policy

Introducing our sustainable approach towards environment with our Customer

We share our key sustainability achievements through online report on our website, reservation emails while confirming the package. Also, at industry events, sales presentations, and conferences during tourism exhibitions.

This approach helps us communicate our progress and reinforce our sustainable policy. The customers and stakeholders have shown positive impact to our commitment to sustainability and therefore follow the set policy and by understanding our operation they also contribute to bring a positive change.


Reduced Carbon Footprint

    • Through our sustainable policy we could drastically able to reduce the green house emission gases.
    • Achieved 30% reduction in carbon footprint by opting policy.
    • We encouraged the guests and staffs to opt for more sustainable mode of transportation.
    • We implemented one day by foot program, though which we have minimize the carbon output.


Enhanced Resource Efficiency

    • We have reduced water consumption and waste generation by 40%.
    • Being a small space, we do not produce lot of waste in terms of paper, plastics etc.
    • We also use water very sustainably, we have figured out to use water ethically by conserving water.
    • We use water mindfully and reuse it whenever possible. For eg- We save the out water of water purifier and use it for plants.
    • We have regular maintenance check on leaks pipes and taps to make sure
    • every drop is saved. We also use double flush toilets.
    • We have also introduced waste segregation practices which significantly improves resource utilization.


Increased Less Consumes Energy Equipment’s

    • Transitioned 60% of our energy consumption to low energy consumes electrical and electronics.
    • Since we operate in a rental building we could not Invested in solar and wind energy projects however we have kept it for our future projection.
    • Currently, we are contributing by using LED’S especially ENERGY STAR rated products which last up to 25 times longer than ordinary lights.
    • We also follow “Switch off policy” under which we make sure the staffs are switching their working equipments, cabin AC and lights when not in use.

Staffs Engagement and Social Responsibility

Our staffs are motivated to engage in such policies and be mindful about their behavior and impact on the environment. Through regular training and presentations, we have made them understand their environmental and social impacts.

They have also contributed 30 hours of employee volunteer work and we have invested monetarily in local community to be part of efforts and achievements in sustainability which is an integral to our mission and values.


“We are engaged with the Travelife certification program and are in the process of working step by step towards complying with its international sustainability standards.”

“Travel XS was Travelife Partner from 1. November 2019 till 1. November 2021, and is now working towards Certified level”.

“Travelife is a three-stage certification program fortour operators and travel agents: (1) Travelife Engaged; (2) Travelife Partner and (3) Travelife Certified.”

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