Festivities of Rajasthan

Royal celebrations that indulge all the senses


of Rajasthan


of Rajasthan

Rajasthan gives travelers a reason to celebrate, all year round. There is always a festival to participate in and share an experience with locals.

Rajasthani festivals range from religious celebrations of deities, marked by colorful processions, rituals, and folklore, to community festivals showcasing local culture and arts. From festivals of reverence to the desert, with camel trading and races, to grand elephant processions alongside cultural displays. In modern times, it also plays host to the nation’s most anticipated literary festival. In Rajasthan, there is something for everyone.

Celebrate a local festival with a Rajasthani family, and experience first-hand all the traditions of this culturally rich community
Spend the day with elephants at the Jaipur Elephant Festival
Witness the one-of-a-kind Bikaner Camel Festival
In January, attend the premier literary fest in India - the Jaipur Literature Festival, which hosts some of the greatest writers of our time

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Our three-week trip with our five-year-old son took us first through the tropical south in Kerala and then along the 'Golden Triangle' in the north, including detours to several national parks. This enabled us to get to know two parts of the country that were very different in terms of culture and landscape and to experience at least some of India's diversity. We will always remember the impressions of the lives of the people and nature. Despite the intense experiences, we were able to relax thanks to the accommodations (oasis of peace) that were well-selected by the travel agent. The conversations with our two drivers and the people in the host families were enriching. We hardly came across any Western families. With a little travel experience, however, even small children are no obstacle to traveling to this exciting country.

Jürg Bickel
 Jürg Bickel

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